Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Satire: Exmormon who cannot name any of his great grandparents claims "Mormons don't know their history"


Jimmy, a former member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, expressed concern about the lack of historical literacy in the church.

"They have no idea about some of the things in their past," said Jimmy.  "They don't even know basic details about where they came from!"

Jimmy claims that the CES Letter "opened his eyes" to the history of his former church.

"I was taught that Joseph Smith was a prophet," explained Jimmy.  "But even though I've read no primary sources, I have learned that he was a genius plagiarist and a complete idiot who couldn't write anything intelligent.  Mormons don't know even know about their history because they read stuff like The Book of Mormon and The Doctrine and Covenants."

When asked about the importance of understanding history, Jimmy was quick to offer this example:

"I mean, if Napoleon had known about Hitler invading Russia around winter, he probably wouldn't have done it, right?  That's what I'm talking about.  You have to know where you come from."

When asked how his personal history informed his position, he presented the following:

"My parents were from Salt Lake... and I think my grandparents did too...  I'm not sure about before that though...  I don't even know who my great grandparents were, but I don't think that's too important..."
