Monday, May 6, 2019

Satire: Point Counter-Point on how to treat people who disagree with us


Point: We should be tolerant of people who disagree with us (Perspective presented by Bishop Moss, an ecclesiastical leader and progressive social media activist)

Not everyone has the same preferences, opinions, or orientations... And that's OK.

I was talking to a guy who uses an anonymous account on twitter, which is understandable because of his unpopular stance... You see, he is a practicing homosexual.

Certainly, this type of activity goes against everything that my faith, that the prophets, that the apostles, that the scriptures, and that Jesus himself taught regarding marriage.  In spite of this, I feel compelled to speak up in defense of this individual.  His feelings are important, and he is a real person, in spite of the way he hides behind a clever alternative nickname and smiling picture on social media.

Jesus said to love our neighbors, so doesn't this count?

What's important is that we embrace the things that make us different than us, because we are all children of God, and we can all try harder to be like him.

Even those who don't share my faith should feel loved and welcomed for who they are, for as long as they seek to associate with me.  And even if they reject every teaching of my church, I can't imagine not forgiving them or wishing them anything but happiness.

Counter-Point: We should relentlessly attack people who disagree with us (Another perspective presented by Bishop Moss, the same guy who gave the point)

Not everyone has the same preferences, opinions, or orientations... And that's NOT OK.

I was talking to a guy who uses an anonymous account on twitter, which is inexcusable because of his unpopular stance... You see, he thinks that it's OK to be modest.

Certainly this type of activity is in line with everything that my faith, that the prophets, that the apostles, that the scriptures, and that Jesus himself taught regarding how we should present ourselves.  In spite of this, I feel compelled to speak up and mercilessly and repeatedly berate and condemn this individual.  His feelings don't matter, because he's not even a real person; he's using a dumb fake name stupid Lego figure picture on social media.

Jesus said to love our neighbors, but he's not very neighborly, so he doesn't count.

What's important is that we ridicule anyone who has views that are different than progressives, because even though we are all children of God, some of us are more like him than others.

Even those who share my faith should be exposed and humiliated for who they are, for as long as they seek to promote principles that I like to ignore.  And even if they apologize for defending legitimate teachings of my church, I can't imagine forgiving them or wishing them anything but hellfire.
